C. M. Kosemen

C. M. Kosemen

Artist and Researcher


Projects & miscellanea

This page is a hub of various collections and sub-pages that are too difficult to categorise anywhere else on this website. Click on the images to visit the pages.


Snaiad: the natural history of an alien planet

Link to Snaiad, an extensive world-design project I completed in 2008. Snaiad is now under reconstruction, and will be re-booted in the near future as a major new book.


A world of dinosauroids (with Simon Roy)

An extensive, illustrated speculative-evolution project, displaying a world where dinosaurs did not become extinct and instead diversified into bird-like intelligent forms.


A world of parareptiles

An illustrated speculative-evolution project, displaying a world where a lineage of vaguely lizard-like "parareptiles" dominated terrestrial ecosystems.


Organic houses

An archive of surreal drawings depicting organic houses and associated architectural fantasies.


Art with Google DeepDream A.I.

A gallery of digital art created by applying Google's DeepDream algortihm to my surreal paintings. Created in collaboration with data scientist Roelof Pieters.


Short stories

An archive of my short weird fiction stories.


List of cool names for fiction writing

A list of cool-sounding and mostly meaningless names everyone can use for their fictional worlds, creatures, characters, and beyond.


Field herping

An archive of reptile photographs I have taken in various locations; indexed by species, country, and time.


Spiders and other arachnids

An indexed archive of spiders and other arachnids I have photographed over the years.


Lepidopterans (moths and butterflies)

An indexed archive of butterflies and moths I have photographed over the years. Also contains plans for a special moth-attracting LED lamp.


Soundscape archive

An archive of ambient sound recordings, mainly from Istanbul. I predict this collection to grow in value as the world changes in time.


Turkish apartment sign collection

An archive hand-painted apartment signs and related artifacts from various Turkish cities outside of Istanbul.





Copyright laws protect all content associated with this site.
Contact c.m.kosemen@gmail.com for inquiries.
